Code of Conduct for Nature Tourism Companies

In all nature tourism activities, the following rules must be respected:

1) Noise and disturbance of wildlife, especially in shelter and breeding sites, should be avoided;

2) The observation of fauna must be carried out at a distance and, preferably, with binoculars or other appropriate optical equipment;

3) No food should be left in the field, nor food given to wild animals;

4) Animals, plants, mushrooms or geological samples should not be collected;

5) When injured wild animals are found, they should, whenever possible, be collected and delivered to the ICNB, IP, or to the Nature and Environmental Protection Service of the National Republican Guard (SEPNA), or the situation reported to said bodies, to referral to recovery centers or other suitable shelters;

6) The detection of environmental accidents or environmental transgressions detected must be promptly reported to the SOS Ambiente e Território service, to the ICNB, IP, or to SEPNA;

7) The garbage and residues produced must be collected and deposited in the appropriate places;

8) Only use a fire in places authorized for this purpose;

9) Whatever the nature of the activity, all trips that are inherent to it must use existing paths and paths;

10) Signage must be respected.

Dolphin Watching Code of Conduct

Dolphins have been awakening in the public in general and in children in particular, a growing interest and a heightened sensitivity to the need for their protection.

Dolphin watching is regulated by Decree-Law no. 9/2006, of 6 January, which determines a set of rules that safeguard them in terms of their safety and tranquility and natural well-being, referring, among others, to the following :

The observation of dolphins must be carried out under conditions that avoid their disturbance during the approach of the boats, during the observation itself and during the withdrawal of the boats.

In any operation, the production of noise that disturbs or attracts them must be avoided, in the vicinity of the dolphins.

It is prohibited, in any operation:

  • Pursuing dolphins, considering as such any attempt to approach or accompany them that lead to escape behavior or the expression of signs of disturbance;
  • Cause the separation of the elements of a group of dolphins;
  • Feeding dolphins;
    Touching dolphins;
  • During the approach of the platforms, it is prohibited:
  • Active approach within 30 m of any dolphin;
  • Active approach to dolphins by swimmers.

Pursuant to paragraph 2 of article 17 of Law no. 144/2015 of 8 September, LT6 informs that in the event of a dispute, the consumer may resort to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity: Lisbon Arbitration Center for Consumer Conflicts* *(Competence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area for conflicts in the domain of consumption, whose value does not exceed €5,000.00) or CNIACC – National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes** ** (National jurisdiction, with a supplementary nature in relation to the remaining consumer arbitration centers that already exist, and relating to disputes with no limit in value).
More information at Consumer Portal